Mon - Fri: 8:00 AM - 5:00 PM / Closed on Weekends

Mayor Harold Moore


In his distinguished tenure since being elected in 2013, Mayor Harold Moore has dedicated himself to enhancing the quality of life for all residents, embodying the principles of visionary leadership and unwavering commitment. His early focus was on steering the city out of financial distress, upgrading essential services, and enhancing the cityscape by beautifying areas and reducing blight.

In his third term, Mayor Moore's efforts have consistently focused on creating a vibrant, safe, and inclusive community underpinned by a strong fiscal responsibility and strategic development foundation. He has been pivotal in developing and revitalizing parks and recreational facilities, making them centers of community activity and wellness. Understanding that parks serve as green spaces and vital assets, he fosters community fitness, togetherness, and environmental stewardship.

Mayor Moore’s vision extends to a future where the city thrives economically and remains a beacon of community wellness, environmental sustainability, and inclusivity. His strategic approach to urban development ensures that growth is balanced with preserving the city's character and natural resources.


Mayor Pro Tem Albert Samples 

Committees:  Finance, Public Safety, and Water/Sewer/Stormwater (Co-Chairs all)

Elected to his current term in November 2023, Mayor Pro Tem Albert Samples brings a wealth of experience as both an Army and police veteran to his role, exemplifying dedicated leadership and a profound commitment to the community of Wadley. His dual background in military and law enforcement service has imbued him with a unique blend of discipline, integrity, and a deep sense of duty, qualities that shine through in his role as Mayor Pro Tem. This position signifies trust and responsibility bestowed upon him by his peers and the community, highlighting his capability, dedication to public service, and the respect he commands across Wadley.

Achievement: Certificate of Dedication

Mayor Pro Tem Samples has been honored with the Certificate of Dedication, recognizing his extensive commitment to professional development and excellence in municipal governance. This prestigious award is given to officials who demonstrate an unwavering commitment to their growth and the betterment of their community through:

- Completion of over 276 hours of targeted training, including at least 108 hours from a specifically required list that covers a broad spectrum of governance and municipal operations.

- Participation in 18 hours of Advanced Leadership track, designed to hone high-level leadership and strategic skills vital for the innovative and effective management of the community.

- Graduation from the Robert E. Knox, Jr. Municipal Leadership Institute, a program focusing on cultivating leaders capable of navigating the complexities of municipal governance with wisdom and foresight.

To retain this distinguished certificate, Mayor Pro Tem Samples dedicates himself to ongoing learning, completing nine hours of continuing education annually. This commitment ensures he remains abreast of the evolving challenges and opportunities in municipal governance, enabling him to serve the City of Wadley with the most current and effective strategies.

As Mayor Pro Tem, Albert Samples plays a critical role in the governance and leadership of Wadley. His duties, as outlined by the City of Wadley charter, include:

- Acting as the presiding officer in the absence of the Mayor, ensuring that the City Council meetings are conducted efficiently and effectively.

- Assuming the responsibilities of the Mayor in case of absence or incapacity, ensuring that the executive functions of the city continue seamlessly.

- Serving as a liaison between the City Council and the Mayor, facilitating communication and collaboration on key initiatives and decisions.

- Representing the city at official functions, events, and meetings when the Mayor is unavailable, ensuring that Wadley's interests are advocated for and advanced.

In his role, Mayor Pro Tem Samples is not just a backup to the Mayor but a key leader in his own right, contributing significantly to the strategic direction and governance of the city. His leadership is characterized by a collaborative spirit, a keen understanding of municipal operations, and a proactive approach to addressing the community's needs.


Councilman John Maye

Committees - Finance and Public Safety (Chair)

Elected to his current term in November 2021, Councilman John "Tubby" Maye has been a dedicated public servant, demonstrating a commitment to excellence and leadership within our community. His dedication to serving the residents and improving the municipality is evident through his active engagement in comprehensive training and development programs.

Achievement: Certificate of Dedication

Councilman Maye is a distinguished recipient of the Certificate of Dedication, a testament to his unwavering commitment to professional development and leadership excellence. This prestigious certificate is awarded to officials who have completed at least 276 hours of rigorous training. This training regimen includes:

- At least 108 hours from the required list: Ensuring a well-rounded education in essential governance and administrative functions.

- 18 hours of Advanced Leadership training: Focused on developing high-level leadership and strategic thinking skills, essential for guiding our community toward a prosperous future.

- The Robert E. Knox, Jr. Municipal Leadership Institute: An advanced program designed to foster leadership, innovation, and effective management among municipal officials.

Councilman Maye has been a proactive advocate for the community, working tirelessly to address the needs and aspirations of our residents. His approach to governance is characterized by transparency, collaboration, and a deep-seated desire to make a positive impact by helping people.

Councilman Kendrick McBride

Committee - Chairs Water/Sewer/Stormwater (Chair)

Since being elected to office in November 2021, Councilman Kendrick McBride has been a fervent advocate for enhancing the quality of life in our community through strategic investments in recreation sports, water and sewer infrastructure, streets and lanes, and overall community safety. His dedication to these critical areas reflects a deep understanding of their impact on the well-being and prosperity of our residents.

Councilman McBride believes in the power of recreational sports to foster community spirit, promote health and wellness, and provide safe and constructive activities for our youth. He desires recreation to remain a cornerstone of our community's vibrant and active lifestyle.

Understanding the foundational role of robust water and sewer systems, Councilman McBride has prioritized the modernization and expansion of our infrastructure. His commitment to securing the necessary funding and overseeing the implementation of critical upgrades guarantees that our community benefits from reliable, efficient, and sustainable water and sewer services. This focus addresses today's needs and anticipates future growth demands.

Above all, Councilman McBride places a strong emphasis on community safety. His collaborative efforts with local law enforcement, emergency services, and community organizations aim to create a secure environment where residents can live, work, and play without concern.

Councilman Ezee Carter

Committee(s): Streets, Lanes, and Sanitation (Chair), Parks and Ditches (Co-Chair) 

Elected in November 2023, Ezee Carter brings a spirit of humility and dedication to his role as he fulfills the remaining two years of the late Izel "Bartow" Mack's term. As a former Wadley Public Works employee and a military veteran, Councilman Carter's diverse experiences have equipped him with a unique perspective and a steadfast commitment to serving the community of Wadley. While he embarks on this new journey, he is keenly aware of the learning curve ahead and approaches his responsibilities with earnestness and the willingness to learn.

Transitioning from his roles in the military and public works to a leadership position within the city council, Councilman Carter is navigating the complexities of city governance with an open mind and a learner’s humility. His background has instilled in him values of hard work, discipline, and community service, which he sees as foundational to his new role. Yet, he acknowledges the need to continuously learn and adapt to contribute effectively to the council’s work.

As the newly appointed chairperson of the streets, lanes, and sanitation committee, Councilman Carter is diving into the challenges and opportunities of improving Wadley's infrastructure. He is committed to listening, learning, and leading initiatives to enhance the city’s living conditions, cleanliness, and environmental sustainability. While he brings a wealth of practical knowledge from his public works background, he also seeks guidance, expertise, and community input to inform his decision-making process.

Councilman Carter is embracing his role with a blend of humility and determination. He understands that effective leadership often involves listening as much as directing, and he is dedicated to understanding the nuances of municipal governance and community needs. His goal is not just to apply his past experiences but to grow from them, leveraging every opportunity to learn from his peers, constituents, and city staff.

Councilman Kendrick Johnson

Committees: Parks and Ditches (Chair), Street, Lanes, and Sanitation (Co-Chair)

In his inaugural term as a councilman (elected November 2023), Councilman Kendrick Johnson brings a fresh perspective and a grounded approach to the city council. A veteran who served with honor, Councilman Johnson's experiences have instilled in him the values of leadership, teamwork, and a pragmatic approach to problem-solving. His decision to run for office was driven by a desire to observe from the sidelines and be actively involved in the decision-making processes that shape the community's future.

Councilman Johnson carries a dedication to service and a commitment to applying his skills and experiences to improve the community. His approach to governance is characterized by a blend of humility and common sense, focusing on practical, achievable solutions to the city's challenges.

As chair of the parks and ditches committee, Councilman Johnson is dedicated to enhancing the city's green spaces and ensuring effective waterways and drainage systems management. He recognizes the importance of parks for recreation and community health and as essential components of the city's environmental and flood management strategies. His leadership focuses on maintaining and improving these critical assets, ensuring they serve the community's needs while protecting the natural environment.

Councilman Johnson ran for office with a clear goal: to be directly involved in shaping the policies and decisions that impact the community. He believes in transparent governance and making thoughtful decisions that reflect the community's best interests. His common-sense approach to problem-solving and governance means prioritizing efficiency, effectiveness, and the practical needs of residents.

Councilman Kendrick Johnson looks forward to serving his term, focusing on tangible improvements, environmental stewardship, and fostering a strong, engaged community.